Ep. 129: The Hidden Wisdom in Your Monthly Flow

Did you know that the time of your menstrual flow (or the full moon if you are post menopause) can be a gateway to accessing your deep inner, feminine, spiritual wisdom?

When we work with our cycle adapting our pace and activities to the phase of the cycle we are in, it can make things much easier.

 This month for me, flow week coincided with slow week, and an empty schedule, so I was given the chance to surrender more deeply to this phase of my cycle and be truly present for the bleed….for it’s gifts and messages, and the unique energy available at this time.

In this episode, I share about how to access the inherent wisdom that’s available to you during menstruation, and a story about how I pierced the veil and accessed incredible insights during this time.  

 Go Deeper with Polly:

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