Ep. 107: How I Quit my 9-5

It’s coming up to my 20th anniversary as an entrepreneur and I have never looked back. It’s been the biggest personal development journey I have ever undertaken, and one that has brought incredible inner and outer abundance, and so much joy, freedom & fulfillment.

In Episode 107 I look back to when I first made the leap from a 9-5 job and regular salary, to running my own business. I share what motivated me to leave my safe, secure prestigious career in an advertising agency, and how I went about making it work.

In this episode I will share the key beliefs that supported me to make the leap, even without a nest egg or a pot of savings, and without support from a partner or family.

If you have been thinking about leaving corporate or your 9-5 job, and making a change to running your own business – maybe an online business – this one is for you.

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