Ep. 111: Are you Unconsciously Pushing away Dream Clients?

One of the things I see that makes me sad in the spiritual and personal development industry is witnessing talented and truly gifted practitioners inadvertently pushing away the people they are here to help, and can truly support, because of how they are doing business.

In this enlightening episode I am sharing some of the ways that gifted healers and coaches and wellbeing experts are “missing the mark” when it comes to attracting their dream clients.

If you are “doing all the right things” and yet not booking the dream clients you desire, or creating the income that you desire, then you want to listen to this episode. It’s guaranteed to give you some a-ha moments and give you some insight into what can shift in your business so that those soulmate clients - the people that so need your support and gifts, can find you, resonate with you & say yes to you & your offers & services.

Go Deeper with Polly:

➡️ Do you dream of working with high level clients? Clients that love, respect & appreciate your work, and are ready to pay for your magic.

➡️ Do you wish you had more clarity on exactly what to focus on to grow your income and impact?

➡️ Are you willing to try new ways of attracting clients? Ways that may be different than what you were used to but potentially better and more effective.

➡️ Are you open to using both your masculine “action taking” and feminine “intuitive & creative” power in your business?

If you answered a big "YES" ✅ to any of these questions, I have something exciting for you! 🎉 I invite you to join a new, free LIVE training with me: How to Attract More Ideal Clients without Working Harder, happening 7th August.

Register here

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